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Free Ad Listings

You can have up to 8 Ad listings for free and thereafter a flat rate of $20 +Taxes will be charged for each ad by way of a Paid Ad green link Button. All Ads have a maximum activation time of 90 days or when you delete your ad yourself, whichever comes first.

Repost your Ad Again

You can also renew/repost any ad listing while the ad is active, for $10 + Taxes for each ad. It will have a maximum activation time of 90 days or when you delete your ad yourself, whichever comes first.

Top Up of Ad Listings

your Ad Listing can be pushed back up to the top to the list instead of you having to repost it again. This would give your Ad an additional advantage to catch the eye of the buyer. However, as more posts come, they will replace that position. Note: Expiry Date of the Ad Listing remains unchanged.
Price: $5 + Taxes for each ad.

Show URL in your Ads

Your website URL will be displayed in the Display page of your Ad.
Price: $5 + Taxes for each ad.


It makes sense to promote your Ad as Urgent, as the viewers may feel the urgency and act fast as they are getting a great deal at a bargain price.
Price: $10 + Taxes for each ad.

Premium List your Ad

Your Ad will remain on the top of the list for 10 days before it starts to loose its Premium position and starts to be replaced by newer Ads.
Price: $100 + Taxes for each ad.
